viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012


Una Partida Especial donde tendremos la visita de compañeros del Hobby de Alemania, Inglaterra y Francia!!!

Nuestro colaborador para esta Partida traducirá la Normativa de Juego y ayudará en la coordinación de las misiones.

Sin más...Os esperamos a todos!!!!

Aquí la presentación de la Partida al más puro estilo Comunitario!!

Airsoft is similar to Paintball, but focuses more on simulation. Guns are more accurate (and less painfully), location is bigger, people have to work in teams and gameplay is based on objectives rather than "killing people" (although that is a solid part of the game).
There are normally about 25 to 60 male and female persons in a match, most of them use military gear.
Inside buidlings only pistols, grenades or (rubber) knives are allowed (info: most of the action is outside, it doesn't hurt too much if...
you only have access to a rifle).

Anmeldung / Application / Matriculación:
- last chance: Thursday, 13th of December 2012 (match size is limited to 80 persons, but I don't think we will cross that number)

Wo / Where / Donde:
Campo El Cortijo
- about 15 to 20 minutes far from Madrid directly next to the A-42

Preis / Price / Precio:
12 Euros for the match
+ 25 Euros for the gear (optional), including facemask, tactical vest, suit, glasses, gloves, UNLIMITED AMMUNITION, you can choose out of these rifle-replicas:
--> german G36 C
--> russian AK47
--> usa M4
+ 10 Euros for an additional pistol (optional)

Wann / When / A que hora:
You have to be there at 09:00 to approximately 16:00 hours (info: you can leave whenever you want)

Was brauche ich noch? / What I need else? / Que necessito mas?
- the money (cash)
- transport by car (location is about 20 minutes from Madrid)

Empfohlen / recommended / recommendado:
- sandwiches (optional, bocadillos are purchasable)
- drinks (water is on sight for free)
- boots (like for trekking or military boots)
- hat / helmet / bandera
- knee pads
- gloves
- Walky Talky radios

Video about the location and the organising club YAKUZA AIRSOFT:

The Facebook page of the location:

¡¡¡Para esta Partida dispondremos de Transporte Militar para todos los jugadores!!!!Y otra sorpresa muuuuuy MILITAR que no desvelaremos hasta el día del Evento!!!

Distancias y Potencias:

Pistola 330 fps : sin distancia
Fusilero : 350 fps : 10 metros.
Apoyo 450 fps - 20 metros.
Tirador selecto : 450 fps - 20 metros (imprescindible mira telescópica)
Francotirador : 550 fps - 25 metros

Disponemos de alquileres para la Partida:

Cómo llegar a "El Cortijo":

Lugar: Campo de Airsoft El Cortijo
Fecha: Sábado 15/12/2012
Hora: 08:30 am (apertura de puertas)
Precio: 12€

Paso de Crono: 09:30 a.m

Cierre de Puertas: 09:30 a.m

Para apuntarse:
En el Foro:

Link de la Partida:

Asociación Yakuza Airsoft

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